Looking to Jesus – Memory Text

Memory Verse: “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.” (John 15:5)


  • Learn to meditate on God’s word – chew over it as you are memorising thinking about the words and what they mean

Why did Jesus refer to the vine & the branches and the need to abide in Him?  The life giving sustenance flows through the vine into the branches.  If this sap is not flowing into the branches, they will not bear fruit.  The branch needs to be firmly attached to the vine for this to happen.  We need to be firmly attached to Christ, daily spending time in His word, in prayer and meditation asking for His Holy Spirit to flow though us that we too may bear much fruit. When we fully understand that without Christ we can do nothing, then I think is when we truly can begin to live trusting moment by moment, day by day to His loving care.

  • Apply the word – what did this verse mean to the original audience and how does this verse apply to me and my life (FAST Survival Kit – Looking to Jesus)

Jesus here is talking to His disciples the night before He is crucified.  He is about to be betrayed and all will run from Him.  He is calling them to abide, trust, hold on to Him.  Not to trust in their own strength and abilities for without Christ they can do nothing.  The disciples are about to go through the darkest night of their life and Jesus is encouraging them abide, trust, hold on to me.  I too need to more fully realise my dependance on Christ and seek Him and His guidance in everything.  I need to dwell more on Him and His words throughout the day that by looking I may be changed into that same image.  I need the Holy Spirit more in my life to transform me from the inside out.  Today I will ask God to remind me to dwell in Him and trust Him in everything.